iFixit ends Samsung partnership over ‘commitment’

iFixit ends Samsung partnership over ‘commitment’ After two years of trying – and some public pushing – iFixit ended its partnership with Samsung, citing the OEM’s lack of commitment.  Continue Reading→ The post iFixit ends Samsung partnership over ‘commitment’ appeared first on E-Scrap News.

Complete plastic bag ban clears California Senate

A bill that expands California’s bag ban to prohibit all plastic bags – even the reusable recycled-content bags that are a major driver of post-consumer film resin sales – is working its way through the California legislative system. A number of plastics recycling stakeholders have come out against the bill.Continue Reading→ Source: Complete plastic bag […]

Attorney General Bonta Petitions Court to Compel Plastics Industry Association and American Chemistry Council to Fully Comply with Outstanding Investigative Subpoenas | State of California – Department of Justice – Office of the Attorney General

SACRAMENTO – California Attorney General Rob Bonta today filed two petitions to compel the Plastics Industry Association, Inc. (PLASTICS), formerly known as the Society of the Plastics Industry, and Source: Attorney General Bonta Petitions Court to Compel Plastics Industry Association and American Chemistry Council to Fully Comply with Outstanding Investigative Subpoenas | State of California […]

Nevada battery recycling operation ramps up capacity

Nevada battery recycling operation ramps up capacity A company that processes lithium-ion batteries, including those sourced from consumer devices, has scaled up recycling capacity at its facility in Reno, Nevada, and is on track to process more than 44 million pounds of battery materials per year. Continue Reading→ The post Nevada battery recycling operation ramps […]

Breaking It Down: The Chemical Recycling/Mass Balance Debate

Proponents say mass balance negates the need to duplicate billions of dollars’ worth of infrastructure to keep recycled and virgin materials separate throughout the value chain, thus enabling scale up. Opponents say making recycled claims on what can’t be physically traced is misleading.