Bloomberg Intelligence shares 66% OCC recycling rate

Bloomberg Intelligence has once again estimated a significantly lower OCC recycling rate than the paper manufacturing sector, and it revised past years’ rates with an updated methodology. Continue Reading→ Source: Bloomberg Intelligence shares 66% OCC recycling rate

New Data Show That 2023 Beverage Container Redemption Rates in More Than Half of U.S. States With Deposit Return Systems Dropped Slightly Compared to 2022 – Waste Advantage Magazine

 Beverage container redemption rates for 2023 in seven of the nine U.S. deposit return system (DRS, aka bottle bill) states with available data dropped in Source: New Data Show That 2023 Beverage Container Redemption Rates in More Than Half of U.S. States With Deposit Return Systems Dropped Slightly Compared to 2022 – Waste Advantage Magazine

Diverse eco-modulation requirements set EPR programs apart

Diverse eco-modulation requirements set EPR programs apart Many recycling industry players and brands are now familiar with the base concept of extended producer responsibility for packaging, but now advisory boards, producer responsibility organizations and state regulators are working on another complex, interrelated concept: fee eco-modulation.  Continue Reading→ The post Diverse eco-modulation requirements set EPR programs […]

What’s next in EPA’s vinyl chloride review | Packaging Dive

The process is advancing as expected, but potential impacts to PVC, used in flexible plastic packaging, would still be years away. Industry groups remain engaged, as some environmental groups are still calling for an outright ban. Source: What’s next in EPA’s vinyl chloride review | Packaging Dive