Scrap plastic exports flat despite regional shifts

Scrap plastic exports flat despite regional shifts More than half of the scrap plastic that left the U.S. in the first quarter of the year stayed in North America, recent export figures indicate. Continue Reading→ The post Scrap plastic exports flat despite regional shifts appeared first on Plastics Recycling Update.

Biodegradable, Compostable and Plant-Based Packaging, Oh My! by Marissa Heffernan

Biodegradable, Compostable and Plant-Based Packaging, Oh My! by Marissa Heffernan Two members of the Biodegradable Products Institute discuss how the biodegradable and compostable packaging market is growing and the role California’s laws play in that change. Continue Reading→ The post Biodegradable, Compostable and Plant-Based Packaging, Oh My! by Marissa Heffernan appeared first on Resource Recycling […]

Once a growing market, recycled pulp exports dry up

In May 2018, as the global recycling industry was reeling from the Chinese government’s move to ban or heavily restrict imports of key recovered paper grades, the largest paper company in China made an investment that drew some attention.Continue Reading→ Source: Once a growing market, recycled pulp exports dry up

Processors say U.S. e-plastics market yet to develop

Processors say U.S. e-plastics market yet to develop A recently published survey of e-scrap companies in the U.S. and abroad offered a look at how many operators are handling plastics recovered from devices. It also provided insights on why a domestic e-plastics processing industry has yet to develop. Continue Reading→ The post Processors say U.S. […]

Robotics firm estimates tons lost at the MRF level

Robotics firm estimates tons lost at the MRF level Of the aluminum cans, PET, HDPE and PP that reach a MRF, 27% ends up still going to disposal, according to a recent report from Robotics supplier EverestLabs. Continue Reading→ The post Robotics firm estimates tons lost at the MRF level appeared first on Resource Recycling […]

CalRecycle proposes increase to e-scrap processor payments

CalRecycle proposes increase to e-scrap processor payments E-scrap processors who participate in California’s state program could again receive a boost in some payments in the coming year.  Continue Reading→ The post CalRecycle proposes increase to e-scrap processor payments appeared first on E-Scrap News.

Well-known circular economy specialist appointed as CalRecycle director | Waste Dive

Zoe Heller is well-known in the industry for her work with CalRecycle and the U.S. EPA. Supporters says her skill set will help her manage the demands of the role as California works through major recycling, organics and diversion programs. Source: Well-known circular economy specialist appointed as CalRecycle director | Waste Dive